Thursday, January 19, 2012

Near or Far

My absolute favourite song at the moment is Near or Far by Carissa Rae.

Which is actually funny, because I'm not in a relationship right now, let alone a long distance one.

Strong is what we are whenever we’re apart
I’ll be right where you are, I’m in your heart

I am a pessimist in long distance too, but the words to this song actually make LDR so easy.

So don’t worry about a thing, or all the miles in between

When actually it's hard and tough and needs a lot of effort.

I hear them say
That what we have may fade away but I refuse

I wonder, when you've found the so-called "the one", it will become easier?

Understand you make mistake
But love won’t stop, it has no breaks

Or maybe not? Either way, I rather not have it.

You have my heart, you had it from the start

But the point is, this song is way too cute and worth sharing. I salut those who can survive an LDR, so this one is for you guys!

I love you from afar..

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ujian dan Musim Dingin

Musim dingin, yang gw harapin adalah salju tentunya, di Eropa gitu loh. Tapi ternyata Nantes punya jalan pikir sendiri, pingin beda sendiri (atau paling ga menurut gw beda), pingin maunya sendiri. Musim dingin kok "panas", bukan, bukan panas ala Indonesia tentunya, panas ala musim dingin Eropa. Temperatur masih sekitar 8-11 derajat, kacau! Setelah liburan dari Austria dan Switzerland yang udaranya "winter banget", masuk ke Nantes lagi berasa di negara tropis, kata temen lebay gw. Asik bukan?


Musim dingin ini bukan cuma cuacanya doank yang panas, otak gw juga dibikin panas ama ujian yang di akhir bulan ini. Hari-hari di Januari cuma diisi ama bengong di dalem kamar sambil liat-liat powerpoint, yang ngomong-ngomong gw masih bingung sampe detik ini, dan juga bikin tugas yang bejibun ampe ga keliatan ujungnya.

Musim dingin juga bikin gw pingin pulang. Kalo gw masih kerja di Jakarta, kayaknya udah pulang Jogja paling ga dua kali, apalagi pas Natal kemarin. Pasti lemak dari makan masakan mama yang luar biasa uda mulai menimbun dan sekarang di kantor udah mulai ribut untuk nge-gym tapi alhasil malah lembur makan junk food. Ah! Kangen sangat ama suasana kantor.Tapi faktanya gw udah hampir 5 bulan ga pulang. What?! Baru 5 L.I.M.A bulan?! Kok berasa udah kayak 5 tahun ya, eh lebay, 1 tahun ya? Hari-hari di Eropa emang lebih lama gitu?

Aneh ya?!
Kalo lagi kuliah begini, rasanya pingin nyari duit. Kalo lagi nyari duit, pinginnya nyari ilmu. Emang bener kata orang, manusia ga akan pernah puas. Dasar, manusia!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Resolutions and Other Imaginary Wishes

And we welcome another year, with all its glitter and sparkle, another year begin: 2012. Laughter, cheers, sounds of fireworks, clatters of champagne glasses – all were prepared to welcome the new year. Resolutions are made, mostly revising or simply (sadly) repeating last year’s failed, or even untouched, resolutions. While writing the new resolutions, chanting inside the head “I will do it this year, yes I will”.

To tell you the truth. No, you will not. Well, at least not for me anyway.

Resolutions were always my weaknesses, knowing this, I gave up on making them altogether. The chants I say to myself during the new year are somehow forgotten and by the middle of the year: “What resolutions?!”. So just like any other new year, no resolutions this year either. But instead reflections, yes, reflections of last year.


What a year. What a blast. What a surprise.

On the matter of life, 2011 was a life-turning, upside-down change. Resigned from my first job, moved to another country and became a student yet again. Major life changes for me.

On the matter of love, 2011 was a disappointment. Not only to find that I can be vulnarable, I also found how it feels to be hurt, to be let down. 2011, the point in my life where I actually didn’t (and most disturbingly, still don’t) get what love is, and why things happened for the way they were.

On the matter of friendship, 2011 was where new friendships blossomed and old ones kept strong. 2011 showed me that even with different cultural backgrounds, friendship can be made, and what satisfies me most is this might be the kind of friendship that will last. Old ones were kept safely, even with the distance and time difference, I could still feel our bond.

On the matter of family, 2011 was hard to part but aware that I am lucky in every way.


No resolutions, as I don’t like promises, especially the ones I might not be able to fulfill. This year, I will simply be more aware.

Why? Because that didn’t happen in 2011.

Be more aware of the things around me. I hope the awareness will make me appreciate life more, avoid heartbreaks, thankful for the things I have, grateful for the study that I find hard to do, smile for every simple things, understand people more, increases my patience – in every way, decreases my complaining.

Let 2012 be a great year. Cheers!