Saat ini Indonesia sedang bersedih. Bencana datang bertubi-tubi ke negara kita baik di Wasior, Mentawai maupun di Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya. Bencana-bencana tersebut sudah memakan banyak sekali korban. Banyak orang yang telah kehilangan rumah, sahabat, orang tua, saudara dan kehidupan mereka.
Sekarang adalah saatnya untuk kita bertindak. Saya bersama dengan teman-teman dari kampus UKDW di Jogja sangat ingin membantu. Untuk itu teman-teman saya yang sangat talented sudah membuat 5 desain baju. Kami menjual baju dengan harga 75rb dan kami tidak akan mengambil profit sama sekali dari penjualan ini. Untuk 150 produksi kaos pertama kami tidak akan memotong biaya produksi karena sudah ada donatur yang membiayainya. Kami akan sangat menghargai sumbangan anda.
Berikut ini kami sampaikan keterangan-keterangan tentang donasi ini:
Cara Pemesanan:
Kirimkan email ke atau dengan keterangan berikut ini:
SUBJECT : untukmuindonesia
ISI : kode desain, nama, didedikasikan untuk (merapi, mentawai, wassior), alamat, no telp, id messenger salah satu saja(ym,hotmail,skype,google talk), tanggal pembayaran.
CONTOH: WA05, Agata, utk Merapi, Jl. Wahidin, 08561111, aaa, 6 Nov 2010
Temen-temen bebas milih desain nya yang mana :
bisa di lihat di
FB :
Album Facebook
Kaskus :
Album Kaskus 1
Album Kaskus 2
Apabila barang ready stock akan SEGERA DIKIRIM
Barang ready stock akan kami posting pada FB, Kaskus, dan Blog-blog terkait., pengiriman kloter terakhir akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20 November 2010
Bagaimana bila barang ready stock habis?
Saya akan memberitahukan apabila barang ready stock sudah habis, Apabila barang ready stock sudah habis maka produksi kaos akan dibuat pada tanggal 5, 12, dan 18 November 2010
Kapan waktu pemesanan kaos?
Pemesanan kaos hanya dilayani dari tanggal 30 Oktober 2010 - 17 November 2010
Kapan kaos akan Produksi?
Produksi kaos akan dibagi dalam beberapa tahap, yaitu :
5 November 2010 = untuk pemesanan 1 November 2010 - 4 November 2010
12 November 2010 = untuk pemesanan 5 November 2010 - 11 November 2010
18 November 2010 = untuk pemesanan 12 November 2010 - 17 November 2010
Kapan kaos akan dikirim?
6 November 2010 = untuk pemesanan barang-barang ready stock
13 November 2010 = untuk pemesanan 1 November - 4 November 2010
19 November 2010 = untuk pemesanan 5 November - 11 November 2010
26 November 2010 = untuk pemesanan 12 - 17 November 2010
*Ini merupakan gambaran kasar waktu produksi dan pengiriman, walau kenyataannya kami akan selalu menyediakan barang ready stock, sehingga kaos yang sesuai pesanan bisa langsung dikirim secepatnya.
Kenapa Harga Rp 75.000? Kemahalan!
Disini sama sekali tidak mencari untung!
Apabila anda benar-benar ingin membantu kegiatan amal ini, silahkan.
Apabila anda merasa keberatan dengan biaya diatas pun, silahkan. Ini tidak sama sekali tidak memaksa.
Saya pribadi berpendapat : Apabila anda membeli hanya karena anda ingin terlihat keren karena memakai kaos amal ini, hmmm... saya sarankan anda tidak perlu membeli, karena tujuan kegiatan dana ini bukan untuk tampak keren.Tapi WE SEE, WE CARE, WE ACT.
Kapan penyaluran dana akan dilaksanakan?
Sumbangan Merapi :
Seluruh hasil penjualan kaos yang didedikasikan untuk merapi akan di salurkan pada tanggal 17 November 2010 - 20 November 2010. (Hasil penjualan 150 kaos pertama tidak akan dipotong biaya produksi, karena sudah ada donatur yang menanggung biaya produksi ini)
Saya dan teman-teman di Yogya akan berangkat langsung ke lokasi pada tanggal 17-20 November 2010.
Sumbangan Mentawai dan Wassior :
Karena kami tidak punya akses langsung ke mentawai dan wassior, seluruh penggalangan dana untuk mentawai dan wassior akan kami salurkan melalui TVOne. Kami akan menyalurkan tanggal 21 November 2010, langsung datang ke posko TVOne. (akan ada tanda bukti bahwa kami benar-benar kesana dan menyerahkan dana tersebut, paling mungkin adalah foto saat pemberian sumbangan)
Apa bentuk sumbangan yang akan diberikan ?
Sumbangan Merapi :
Saya akan melakukan observasi dengan teman2 relawan dan NGO yang ada disana, kebutuhan apa yang benar-benar sangat dibutuhkan disana, minimal 1 minggu sebelum keberangkatan saya akan menginformasikan ke teman-teman.
Tanggal 17 November 2010 saya akan memberitahukan pada teman-teman berapa total nominal yang didapatkan.
Sumbangan Mentawai dan Wassior :
Karena kami menyalurkan melalui TVOne, maka bentuk sumbangan adalah berupa uang.
Apa bukti bahwa kegiatan ini benar-benar dilaksanakan?
Sebagai bukti bahwa saya menyerahkan dana itu, hanya berupa foto2 (mungkin video) saat saya disana, dan akan di informasikan juga pada teman2 hasil penyerahan dana tersebut.
Bagaimana bila kantor/perusahaan mau ikut serta dalam kegiatan ini?
Silahkan. Hubungi saya lebih lanjut.
Bolehkah saya memperbanyak desain kaos ini?
Apabila untuk kepentingan amal DAN orang yang mendesain kaos ini tidak keberatan DAN diproduksi setelah bulan November 2010, maka dipersilahkan, asal hak cipta (nama desainer) tetap disertakan (kecuali ada kesepakatan tersendiri)
Apakah memesan langsung dan kepada orang lain, yang menawarkan desain yang sama adalah sama tujuan nya?
Hati-hati terhadap bentuk penipuan dan orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab untuk mencari keuntungan dari kegiatan amal ini. untuk memastikan adalah :
#1. Cross Chek informasi kegiatan amal ini kepada saya dan orang tersebut
#2. Harga seluruh kaos sama, Rp 75.000, lebih dari itu, maka anda berpotensi kena tipu.
Saya ingin ikut berkontribusi, bagaimana caranya?
1. Membeli Kaos, sudah bisa dibilang berkontribusi
2. Membantu menjual kaos, sudah bisa dibilang berkontribusi
3. Ikut menyebarkan informasi ini, sudah bisa dibilang berkontribusi
4. Mendoakan supaya niat baik kita ini berjalan lancar, sudah bisa dibilang berkontribusi
Silahkan teman-teman menentukan sendiri jenis kontribusi apa yang ingin dilakukan
Saya ingin bantu jual kaos, bagaimana caranya?
Teman-teman dipersilahkan untuk membantu menjual kaos ini, teman-teman kumpulkan orang-orang yang mau membeli, kemudian direkap berapa jumlahnya, jenis desainnya, ukurannya, alamat pengiriman. selanjutnya info kan kepada saya.
Bagaimana dengan ongkos kirim?
ongkos kirim diambil dari biaya pembelian kaos, kami akan menggunakan Tiki JNE sebagai pengiriman, apabila teman-teman mau menambahkan ongkos kirim, silahkan. jangan lupa menginfokan pada kami.
kami juga akan mengusahakan untuk mencari donatur untuk mendanai pengiriman ini.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Pray for Indonesia
This post is dedicated to the victims all disasters in Indonesia.
The mountain of Merapi in Jogja, my hometown, erupted on the 26th of October. Not only did it erupt once but it erupted several times. The latest eruption was 31st of October at about 2pm. The vulcanic clouds wrecked many homes and killed a lot of people. The eruption also resulted in rain of vulcanic ashes leaving nearby towns like Jogja and Magelang filled with ashes and dusts.
Many people are still living in tents provided by volunteers.
On th 26th of October, an earthquake and a great tsunami hit the island of Mentawai. Homes are flat to the ground, people are missing, many are injured and countless are killed. Volunteers are giving their best efforts to help but it has been quite a challenge because of the extreme weather.
It has been a few days that Jakarta, the town where I currently live, is drained by heavy rain. Many areas are flooded leaving Jakarta more crowded with its heavy traffic.
I hope this country will find a way to soothe its pain. I hope many people will find their ways to reach out to those in troubles. I hope that the sadness will be wiped away soon.
In the meantime, let us spare our time to pray and most of all let us ACT.
My friends and I are having a fundraising which you can see here: Fundraising for Merapi
All profits from this t-shirts will go to the victims of Merapi.
Let's Pray for Indonesia.
The mountain of Merapi in Jogja, my hometown, erupted on the 26th of October. Not only did it erupt once but it erupted several times. The latest eruption was 31st of October at about 2pm. The vulcanic clouds wrecked many homes and killed a lot of people. The eruption also resulted in rain of vulcanic ashes leaving nearby towns like Jogja and Magelang filled with ashes and dusts.
Many people are still living in tents provided by volunteers.
On th 26th of October, an earthquake and a great tsunami hit the island of Mentawai. Homes are flat to the ground, people are missing, many are injured and countless are killed. Volunteers are giving their best efforts to help but it has been quite a challenge because of the extreme weather.
It has been a few days that Jakarta, the town where I currently live, is drained by heavy rain. Many areas are flooded leaving Jakarta more crowded with its heavy traffic.
I hope this country will find a way to soothe its pain. I hope many people will find their ways to reach out to those in troubles. I hope that the sadness will be wiped away soon.
In the meantime, let us spare our time to pray and most of all let us ACT.
My friends and I are having a fundraising which you can see here: Fundraising for Merapi
All profits from this t-shirts will go to the victims of Merapi.
Let's Pray for Indonesia.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Express Yourself
Vicki’s 7th challenge is all about clustering. This challenge is hosted by Marif and it’s a tough one. 12 elements (what?!) and 3 papers – 1 used as a background and the other 2 as part of the elements. Clustering is not exactly my speciality so I had to think very hard and finally manage to design this:

Kit is by AWP called Citrus Zing
Font by Miss Tiina
Alpha is by AWP in Through my Window kit.
The photos are of me and one of my best friends called Regina. It was on our hols in Bandung. Just thought the photos are great, with different expressions (me anyway LOL) and I have been meaning to scrap it for a while but just didn’t have the time.
Loves, A

Kit is by AWP called Citrus Zing
Font by Miss Tiina
Alpha is by AWP in Through my Window kit.
The photos are of me and one of my best friends called Regina. It was on our hols in Bandung. Just thought the photos are great, with different expressions (me anyway LOL) and I have been meaning to scrap it for a while but just didn’t have the time.
Loves, A
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Mangan, Dungo, Tresno
Bet you’re wondering what the heck is that title about! I understand. That would be the Javanese version of Eat, Pray, Love. Don’t ask me who translate it, somewhere between me and my crazy friends I guess.
Just got back from seeing that movie last night. It was a really tough night so I thought I could use a little Eat, Pray and Love. And I was right! I’m no movie critic, I can probably say great to anything I watch that doesn’t involve too much blood and Arnold Schwarzenegger, but it was really entertaining (I laughed a lot). I read the book so it was only right that I watched the movie too.
The movie was a lot more than I expected, though missing a few bits and bobs. I know that there are some people who doesn’t approve of Gilbert’s action (I’m sure it’s just envy) but I don’t care, like her anyway. I think she’s very brave to go to three foreign countries, though with a very strange reason me think: to find herself. Like I wouldn’t like to go around the world to “find” myself. Anyhoo, the woman has money so we can’t blame her really for travelling around the world, after all it’s HER money and so what if her not-so-extraordinary life AND love life became a hit. I still like her anyway.
My favourite part is Ketut, the medicine man with no teeth. He is just the most hilarious man on earth. Quoting him “Smile with your liver”. I crack up everytime I hear that. I definitely envy the margarita pizza. It looks so good. Crazy that they have the whole plate all by themselves! It could’ve fed probably 3 people. That girl is one lucky gal.
Anyways, I think the point of the film to me is: it’s OK to feel good about yourself. Do you sometimes have that feeling of guilty, where you don’t think you’ve done enough and don’t deserve anything? Well ladies (and gentlemen), give yourself a break! You’re doing JUST fine and you are more than welcome to take a one year pilgrimage to 3 countries of your choice. Wow, I really am learning a lot from me.
One more thing, wondering why I’m blogging again? Well, it’s my new kind of commitment, we shall see if I keep it.
Loves, A
(I feel like Allison in Pretty Little Liars! Oooo so mysterious ain’t it?!)
Just got back from seeing that movie last night. It was a really tough night so I thought I could use a little Eat, Pray and Love. And I was right! I’m no movie critic, I can probably say great to anything I watch that doesn’t involve too much blood and Arnold Schwarzenegger, but it was really entertaining (I laughed a lot). I read the book so it was only right that I watched the movie too.
The movie was a lot more than I expected, though missing a few bits and bobs. I know that there are some people who doesn’t approve of Gilbert’s action (I’m sure it’s just envy) but I don’t care, like her anyway. I think she’s very brave to go to three foreign countries, though with a very strange reason me think: to find herself. Like I wouldn’t like to go around the world to “find” myself. Anyhoo, the woman has money so we can’t blame her really for travelling around the world, after all it’s HER money and so what if her not-so-extraordinary life AND love life became a hit. I still like her anyway.
My favourite part is Ketut, the medicine man with no teeth. He is just the most hilarious man on earth. Quoting him “Smile with your liver”. I crack up everytime I hear that. I definitely envy the margarita pizza. It looks so good. Crazy that they have the whole plate all by themselves! It could’ve fed probably 3 people. That girl is one lucky gal.
Anyways, I think the point of the film to me is: it’s OK to feel good about yourself. Do you sometimes have that feeling of guilty, where you don’t think you’ve done enough and don’t deserve anything? Well ladies (and gentlemen), give yourself a break! You’re doing JUST fine and you are more than welcome to take a one year pilgrimage to 3 countries of your choice. Wow, I really am learning a lot from me.
One more thing, wondering why I’m blogging again? Well, it’s my new kind of commitment, we shall see if I keep it.
Loves, A
(I feel like Allison in Pretty Little Liars! Oooo so mysterious ain’t it?!)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I hate goodbyes
I hate goodbyes.
And I’m not very good at it. It sucks. A lot.
Saying goodbye to people you’ve known for some period of time is not exactly my specialist. Even if I know that I’ll see them again sometime soon, I still deteste it.
One of my flat mates has to move away because she has a new job which is really far from our flat. We’ve known each other for about 8 months. And we live together, which means we see each other all the time and you get used to seeing her every day, knowing her habits, laugh at her jokes, chit chat together, cry together when there are troubles. And knowing the fact that she won’t be here anymore makes me sad.
Our flat is small, and the people are great. We spend a lot of time in our cute tiny living (and dining) room. We celebrate our birthdays by eating and doing our famous festive food fight which always attracts the neighbor. It’s a lot of fun.
With that kind of closeness, when one leaves, sadness takes over our flat though it always leaves us (and the one who leaves) fabulous memories.
The one who will leave us is Dewi, the girl with a pink piggy in her hand.
And I’m not very good at it. It sucks. A lot.
Saying goodbye to people you’ve known for some period of time is not exactly my specialist. Even if I know that I’ll see them again sometime soon, I still deteste it.
One of my flat mates has to move away because she has a new job which is really far from our flat. We’ve known each other for about 8 months. And we live together, which means we see each other all the time and you get used to seeing her every day, knowing her habits, laugh at her jokes, chit chat together, cry together when there are troubles. And knowing the fact that she won’t be here anymore makes me sad.
Our flat is small, and the people are great. We spend a lot of time in our cute tiny living (and dining) room. We celebrate our birthdays by eating and doing our famous festive food fight which always attracts the neighbor. It’s a lot of fun.
With that kind of closeness, when one leaves, sadness takes over our flat though it always leaves us (and the one who leaves) fabulous memories.

The one who will leave us is Dewi, the girl with a pink piggy in her hand.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Book Review: Eat Pray Love
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is probably the best book I've read in 2009.
Really great and life-changing.
Makes me wanna run away to Italy and eat all those gellatos!! And from this book too, I learned the beauty of Indonesia, my country. I even went to Ubud, Bali to see its loveliness described in Gilbert's book. And it's true, Ubud is so far my favourite place in Bali.
View all my reviews >>
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Blackberry Madness
Sometimes I wonder...
Why people are willing to sacrifice anything to get the lastest gadget.
Like this blackberry madness spreading accross my office and my friends.
Whether it's spending almost all your wage or buying a second one, whatever it takes to have this popular gadget.
What for, I don't get it.
I like gadgets, but I'm not so crazy over them that I would do anything to get them.
At this point of age and my life...I just don't think BB is necessary for people like me.
One friend actually admitted that BB was bought just for 'style'.
Perhaps, only for recognition from other peers. I didn't realized peer pressure still existed in my age.
But now I know peer pressure never actually leaves you.
No matter what age you are.
Why people are willing to sacrifice anything to get the lastest gadget.
Like this blackberry madness spreading accross my office and my friends.
Whether it's spending almost all your wage or buying a second one, whatever it takes to have this popular gadget.
What for, I don't get it.
I like gadgets, but I'm not so crazy over them that I would do anything to get them.
At this point of age and my life...I just don't think BB is necessary for people like me.
One friend actually admitted that BB was bought just for 'style'.
Perhaps, only for recognition from other peers. I didn't realized peer pressure still existed in my age.
But now I know peer pressure never actually leaves you.
No matter what age you are.
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